


就在前幾天,Rangers終於把他們的招牌球星Michael Young給交易到Philly了,從2000年被Rangers Call up上來Major後他就再也沒有離開過大聯盟這個舞台,幾乎所有Rangers的歷史紀錄都被這位Mr.Rangers所包辦,包括了Hits (2230), at-bats (7,399), runs (1,085), singles (1,583), doubles (415), triples (55), total bases (3,286), multihit games (651), strikeouts (1,152) and sacrifice flies (70)等...即使有這些偉大的表現,但這位球星在Dallas Fortworth Area卻沒有被平等的對待。2004年球團把他原本鎮守的二壘位置讓給了跟A-Rod交易換過來的Soriano,自己則去守游擊; 不過這就算了,畢竟在當時Soriano招牌實在太大,讓出去已無妨。但在2008年,Rangers為了要把超級潛力新秀Andrus有固定的上場機會,儘管Young在08年拿了SS的Gold Glove,球隊還是要把他移防去守三壘,這對Michael情何以堪,在當時他的經紀人希望Rangers將他交易出去。但在球團的戰力考量與慰留下還是繼續待在了Texas,但這個舉動已經讓Young跟Rangers的白領產生了摩擦;再過了兩年,Rangers把重砲Beltre簽下來後,確定Michael將要從此當個內野工具人,或是指定打擊。不過敬業的他還是在這兩年分別繳出了.338與.277的打擊率。在新的賽季前,Rangers已經迫不及待把比當年Andrus更要被期待Profar升上Major,這確定Michael在Rangers的生存空間會被越壓越小,終於在上星期六被GM John Daniel給送了出去,交易兩名Philly名不經傳的投手,Michael在接受放棄被交易條款後,確定離開了他待了12年的Texas。


說實在話,在運動消息有限的台灣長大的我來說(沒錯,非常有限,如果英文看不懂的話對MLB的了解大概僅有Yankees, Redsox或是台灣選手效力球隊及一些其他球隊的零碎消息),小p在來到美國前,對Rangers球員除了Kevin Millwood以外,所知道的就只有Michael Young了。對於我來說,Young的存在就好像Nowitzki對於Mavs來說一樣重要,很可惜地,在職業運動裡,只有少之又少的球員能在同一個球隊待上整個球員生涯。像是在Dallas Stars(冰球)的Mike Modano,他在Dallas效力了16年,比Michael和Dirk還長,也在1999-2000年時幫Dallas拿到NHL的冠軍,但到生涯最後一年時,還是被Stars給揮棄。


“That was frustrating,” Modano said. “You hope they’d make an exception for you and keep you around even though you have younger players. But only a few can say they start their career and finish their career in the same place.” Modano said.




“There’s going to be tons of motivation there,” Modano said of Young. “He’ll work hard and want to have a great start for the season. More times than not, that happens. A guy leaves and can have a good last few good years and he can prove others wrong that he’s still got something left. He’s still young enough to play at a high level. I can’t see it not happening. He’s going to be playing with a little chip on his shoulder and that can’t hurt.”


Modano認為Michael還夠年輕(36歲)可以繼續在MLB有好表演,證明球團將它交易出去是個錯誤的決定。但事實上,John Daniel始終相信Young的實力,只是因為他們不合而已。就像Young在離別的記者會說的一樣 "I can't say there's a relationship there or a good relationship there. Well, no there's no relationship there, but that's fine with me," Young said. Michael承認這幾年跟Front Office已經沒有任何的交集,如果你是住在Dallas地區,你會發現這些年明明還是球隊招牌的Young,在廣告上卻從來沒有出現過,出現的盡是其他的球星像是Hamilton, Kinsler或是達比修等人,甚至連Mitch Moreland都有出現過。My relationship is with the guys in uniform and what they've meant to me." 對於Michael來說,喜歡他只有他的隊友及教練團而已,而其它的早已往事全非了。 

長的娃娃臉又酷似Tom Cruise的Micheal在12年Texas時間裡,十年如一日。3成打擊率,200安對他來說是常家便飯。但是球隊卻因為他的高薪(一年1600萬美金),一直想把它交易掉。對於守備位置不斷的被讓出,他從來不抱怨,甚至誇獎即將取代他的未來之星Profar. "He’s a really good kid," Young said. "He’s always got a smile on his face and in that sense he’s got a lot of Elvis (Andrus) in him, which is a good thing. I think offensively, he’s going to be really, really good. He’s got a chance to really hit. He’s got a good approach." Young認為所有球團的決定都是為了拿冠軍,而他自己可以為球團作出任何的犧牲。這讓我想到今天Rangers也希望明星二壘手Kinsler能移防一壘,將二壘位置空出來給Profar. 對此Kinsler也同樣表示:

“It’s not like a direct ‘You’re going to first.’ My feeling is whatever I need to (do to) help this team win. Honestly, if they believe putting me at first base is going to field a better team, I’m all for it. Bottom line is I signed a long-term extension to win a championship. If they think me at first is going to help us win a championship, I’m all for it.”

不像大多數的黑人球員上場機會減少時都會幹瞧球隊,這些白人很聰明都會把話說的很漂亮不會把場面用得太僵,他們知道,越是講球隊的壞話,上場的機會只會越少,而不是更多。 做為一個球員,你只能把自己準備到最好,隨時Get Ready。我們不管Michael說的是不是真話,他這幾年對Rangers貢獻確實是有目共睹的,也幫Rangers打進了兩次World Series,即使兩次都鍛羽而歸.....

對於Michael即將離開Texas,相信所有的Rangers球迷都會感到非常地不捨。但現實是,他終於可以擺脫這些有的沒有的事情,重新回到他習慣的三壘位置並當個Everyday Player儘管我們有再多的難過


"We love it here in large part because of the people we get to be around," Young said. "Just a massive ‘thank you’ to the fans here from me and my family for everything they’ve given us. It was my pleasure and my honor to go out there and play ball for them on a daily basis.”

是的,這12年來你已經對北德州付出了太多太多,你穿著Rangers藍色球衣已經深深印在了我們的腦海中,不管你未來在哪個球隊我們都會支持你的。 Let's Go Michael. 




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